Lodgement Section
Menu > Lodgements
- Corporate Messenger : Date of Signature
- What data is transmitted to ASIC during a 484 Form lodgement?
- How to check if a form has been marked as Externally Lodged
- Rejection Code X015 - Mandatory element has no value
- Rejection Code V491 - Changes and cessations to member details must match the existing details on ASIC's record.
- Order Not Found when accessing documents
- Processing time for Form 370 (Notification by officeholder of resignation or retirement)
- Difference between 370 and 484B1
- Suppressed Address
- How to mark a document as lodged externally from NowInfinity
- Lodgement Deadline date logic
- Why has my future lodgement form not been lodged?
- Registered Address Change
- How to prepare and lodge ASIC Forms with a future date
- Where do I find forms prepared on Corporate Messenger?
- What actions can be performed from the Lodgements Page?
- How to mark a Lodgement as signed
- What is the Burning Tab?
- Does the system allow for basic workflow and electronic approval of the ASIC form?