Change of Company Address (Form 484A1)


I need to change the address of a Company. How can I do this in NowInfinity?


The Change of Address form is the Form 484A1, which you can use to change the address of a Company, as well as any Officeholders or Shareholders of said Company. This form is accessible via the Company Profile (Menu > Companies > Search for Company and open full profile). Once you are in the full Company Profile, hover over the "Details Change" menu, and select "Form 484A1 Change of Address”.

Completing the form:

  • Form Details - Provides an overview of the Change of Address form
  • Company Details - Reflects the Company Name, ACN and an option to select whether the transfer is in response to an Annual Statement
  • Effective Date - Allows you to select the date in which the Change of Address occurred (click here for details on when late fees will be incurred)
  • New Address – Allows you to enter the address in which you are changing to (if entering an address with a Unit/Level field, click the ‘Enter Address Manually’ field before entering the address)


  • Apply this address to – Provides drop-down boxes to select where the new address is applied to, including the Registered Office Address, the Principal Place of Business Address, or the address of any Officeholder or Shareholder.


    • Note: If you are changing the Registered Office Address, an additional field will appear, asking "
      • If "Yes" is chosen, no additional fields will appear.
      • If "No" is chosen, the below additional fields will appear, detailing:
        • The name of the occupying Company.
        • The Authorised person to consent to registering their Company's address as the Registered Office Address.
        • A confirmation that this consent has been given in writing to be able to make this change of Registered Office Address.


Once you have completed the form, you can prepare to send for signing, and lodge to ASIC.

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