NowInfinity FAQs - February 2024

Welcome to the February edition of our NowInfinity FAQ newsletter, where we address common questions from the past few months.

Did you know?

ASIC Connection and Refreshing Company Profile/s - To facilitate the lodgement of ASIC forms or refreshing your company data, there are several actions you can take. Please refer to the following for guidance:

Revenue NSW Stamping Changes - Revenue NSW have implemented changes to the duty for stamping NSW trust deeds dated on or after 1 February 2024. Duty has increased to $750.00 and duplicate copies have increased from $10 to $20. For further details on stamping fees and requirements please click here.

User Access and Permissions - As an Administrator you have the ability to customise the access of the users under your account. Should you wish to restrict access you can follow the steps outlined here.

New Signing Date field for ASIC Forms - The date of signature field has been introduced on the collaboration page for both manual as well as electronic signed forms. To read more about these steps click here.

Adding the ‘held on’ date in Annual Statement Minutes - Find out why and how to include a 'Held On' date before sending for signing click here.

Switching between Solvency Minutes and a Solvency Resolution - Within Annual Statements in Corporate Messenger, there is an option to change the settings of the particular Annual Statement. Should you wish to make the change you can follow the steps outlined here.


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