Why is the postcode of a foreign address not appearing within the lodged form?
Foreign addresses are treated differently to Australian addresses in the NowInfinity system, which means that foreign addresses are limited in the way they can be formatted.
As there are many formatting conventions for foreign addresses, the NowInfinity system will accept four lines of free text, followed by a field for the foreign country.
Line 1 Southport
Line 2 1 Test Street
Line 3 504681
Line 4
Country Singapore
NowInfinity are not able to format a foreign address any other way.
When entering an overseas address, when the "Country Name" field is populated, the postcode field is no longer required. The foreign postcode can be entered in the locality or street field to ensure it is included.
If it was omitted for instance where a ASIC Form 484 Change of Address is lodged, the only way to resolve this would be to lodge a 492 Mistake Correction form to have the postcode added.