Rejection Code V395 - The address override may only be used for certain addresses item

Rejection error : V395 The address override may only be used for certain addresses item

This rejection can occur for the following changes:

- There is a spelling error for the locality/ suburb mentioned on the interview form

- A range of addresses has been mentioned on for the street address

- The locality/ suburb details do not match with Australia Post database

Forms affected:

  • 484 A1 Address Change
  • 484 B2 Appointment of an Officeholder
  • 484 B12 Appointment and Resignation of Officeholders
  • 484E Extended


- Check for the locality/ suburb database on the Australia Post website

- Check and correct any spelling errors in the address mentioned on the form

- Select the revised address from the suggestions provided in the ASIC validation report


Should you require any additional support, contact our customer service team.

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