Rejection Code V444 - Locality & Postcode do not match/ Locality not found

Rejection error : Rejection Code V444 - Locality & Postcode do not match/ Locality not found

This Rejection can occur for the following changes:

- Appointment of Officeholder
- Form 201 (Company Registration)
- Change of Address
- Issue of Shares (if issuing to a new Shareholder)
- Transfer of Shares (if Transferee is a new Shareholder)


ASIC use Australia Post as a source for their localities and addresses. The postcode and suburb must match and be found on Australia Post for the address to be correct.

If you receive this error, this could be that either there is a misspelling of the locality or the postcode may be incorrect. It could also be if the locality/ suburb entered is new, and not currently a part of the Australia Post database.

Please ensure to double check this on the Australia Post website if you are unsure.

Should you require any additional support, contact our customer service team.

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