Late fees applied by ASIC

Most documents need to be lodged to ASIC within a certain timeframe. If documents are lodged outside this time, they may charge a late lodgement fee.

You need to make sure Annual Statement fees are paid on time and tell ASIC when details change. If not, a fee may be charged for not paying the Annual Statement fee, as well as a fee for not notifying ASIC of any changes.

ASIC Fees are applied to certain lodgements as well as Annual Statements, these include:

  • Company Registration fees
  • 205 Company Name Change fees
  • Annual Statement fees

Click here for further details on ASIC Fees.


ASIC Late Fees apply to lodgements that are made past the lodgement due date. The late fees are applied as per below:

  • Lodgement or payment up to one month late - $96 late fee
  • Lodgement or payment over one month late - $401 late fee

Note: if the effective date of change is backdated and an Annual Statement has been issued within that time a late fee will apply. Changes must be lodged within 28 days of the Annual Statement issue date to avoid late fees.

  • Changes to annual statement notified up to one month late - $96
  • Changes to annual statement notified more than one month late - $401

For example this can mean that if a form has been backdated a month late and the Annual Statement was issued in that time the late fee will be $192. Both the late lodgement fee of $96 and the late notification of change to the Annual Statement of $96 being incurred.

Click here for further details on ASIC Late Fees.

Click here if a late fee has been incurred and you would like to apply to ASIC for a fee waiver.

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