Rejection error : Rejection Code V999 - Effective date is prior to the start of this record. Company did not issue shares prior to this effective date
This Rejection can occur for the following changes:
- The record of shares first issued to the Company were issued after the date recorded in the form that has been rejected
Step 1: Check the date that the same Class of Shares were first issued with ASIC
Step 2: Navigate back to Menu > Corporate Messenger > Lodgements > Incomplete and click the name of the Company with the rejected form.
Step 3: Click "Amend the Document":
Step 4: Check the date entered as "Date of Issue". The below example is prior to the date above. Therefore, this date needs to be changed to either the same date as the original issue (take into note the late fees that may apply) or a date after the original issue:
Step 5: Once this has been amended the you can proceed with re-submitting the lodgement
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