How to prepare a Form 492 - Mistake Correction form


Form 492 - Mistake Correction, is used to correct an error on a past lodgement submitted to ASIC.

Processing of the correction by ASIC may take up to 28 days, so the change may not appear on the Company Profile straight away.

This article provides details on:

  1. Creating a 492 for Company Establishments, established both within NowInfinity and externally
  2. Creating a 492 for other Lodgements, prepared both within NowInfinity and externally
  3. Troubleshooting the "Amendment Details" page

Note: If you need to correct information within a Company Registration that is more than 15 years old, click here for more information.

It is important to ensure once a 492 Mistake Correction form is lodged and other change forms are required, that the 492 form corrections are reflected within ASIC records for the Company first.

Preparing a 492 for Company Establishments 

If you notice a mistake within the registration information with 24 hours of lodging the registration, you may be able to fix the mistake by calling ASIC on 1300 300 630. In most cases, a Form 492 - Mistake Correction form is required.

Note: When correcting a Company Registration with a form 492, ASIC requires the form 492 to be lodged via post. Once you have completed the form, print the documents, wet sign and mail to:

Australian Securities and Investments Commission

PO Box 4000

Gippsland Mail Centre VIC 3841


Mistake within the Company Name

You will need to contact ASIC, and find out the best way to proceed. ASIC may allow a 492 to be lodged to correct this, however, in most cases a Change of Name will be required A Change of Name will incur additional ASIC fees.

The Company was established on NowInfinity

You can access the Correction Form through Menu > Completed Documents

  1. Search for and select the Company Document
  2. From the left hand side select "Create 492 Form"

Using this feature will pre-fill a lot of the information required in the form.



The Company was not established on NowInfinity

You can access the Correction Form through Menu > Companies.

  1. Search for and open the full Company Profile
  2. Hover over "Mistake Correction"
  3. Select Form 492 "Request of Correction"



As the original document was not created on NowInfinity, you will need to gather details to complete the fields listed below which can be found in the interview form. If you are not able to find the required information, you can contact ASIC and they will be able to assist.

Fields required to be completed:

  • Name of company for which the document was lodged - Name of Company
  • ACN of company for which the document was lodged - ACN of Company
  • Document number of the document being amended - the document number will be available on the ASIC website, under the 'Documents Lodged' section of the Company
  • Date of correction - the date you want listed as the date the mistake was corrected, this is usually today's date
  • Form code of document being amended - this will be "201" which is the Form Code for Company Registrations
  • Date of lodgement of document being amended - the Registration Date. This is listed along with the Document Number in the above screenshot, and is also listed within the Company Profile on NowInfinity
  • Document title of document being amended - depending on the type of Company, this will be either "Standard Company", "SMSF Establishment with a Corporate Trustee", "Special Purpose Company" or "Public Company"

Note: The above fields must be correct in order for ASIC to accept the Form 492.


Preparing a 492 for other Lodgements

In most cases ASIC will accept electronic lodgement through NowInfinity.

The Lodgement was created on NowInfinity

You can access the Correction Form through the Collaboration page. You can get to this through either:

  1. Menu > Lodgements > Search for the Company name (you may need to extend the date range depending on when the form was lodged) > Click on the Company Name for the Lodgement
  2. Menu > Companies > Search for and open the full Company Profile > From the Recent Documents section at the bottom of the Company Profile > Click on the Company Name for the Lodgement

From here, on the left hand side of the page you can select "Create 492 Form". Using this feature will pre-fill a lot of the information required in the form.



The Lodgement was not created on NowInfinity

You can access the Correction Form through Menu > Companies.

  1. Search for and open the full Company Profile
  2. Hover over "Mistake Correction"
  3. Select Form 492 "Request of Correction"



As the original document was not created on NowInfinity, you will need to gather details to complete the fields listed below which are in the interview form.  If you are not able to find the required information, you can contact ASIC and they will be able to assist.

  • Name of company for which document was lodged - Name of Company
  • ACN of company for which document was lodged - ACN of Company
  • Document number of document being amended - The document number will be available on the ASIC website, under the "Documents Lodged" section of the Company:
  • Date of correction - This is the date you want listed as the date the mistake was corrected, this is usually today's date
  • Form code of document being amended - This will be listed as the "Document Type" on ASIC's website, eg "484" (see below screenshot). 
  • Date of lodgement of document being amended - This is listed along with the "Document Type" and "Document Number" on ASIC:
  • Document title of document being amended - Depending on the type of Lodgement this was, this could be "Officer Change", "Change of Address", "Share Issue", "Share Transfer" etc.

These fields must be correct in order for ASIC to accept the 492.


Amendment Details

In the Amendment Text, the text must be entered on one line and special characters cannot be used,

You can use full stops to separate details. You cannot use "Enter" to start a new line or extra spaces to separate text.

You will be unable to move to the next page if there are any extra lines or extra spaces added, or if any special characters are used. 


A new line has been added in between the date of birth change and the place of birth change.



To move to the next page, the new line needs to be removed.





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