Rejection error : V174 Document, date lodged, form code and company do not match ASIC records.
This rejection can occur for the following changes:
- This V174 rejection code applies if you are lodging a Form 492, to correct a mistake from a previously lodged form. There can be different reasons for this rejection code. The error can be related to the document number, date of lodgement or the form code provided in the Form 492.
- ASIC include in the rejection message the information that is not correct, for example:
“Item 01c//ZDO//484B2// V174 Document, date lodged, form code and company do not match ASIC records.”
For this error, the reason why it was rejected is because of the form code. This is a common mistake when correcting a Form 484. There is no need to include the section used in the Form 484 to make the change. Therefore, the Form Code should be "484", rather than "484B2".
- If the rejection is due to the ASIC document number or the date of lodgement. This can be confirmed on ASIC's website under the "Documents Lodged" section of the Company, or by contacting ASIC.
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