Rejection Error
V557: ABN is not that of the business name
This rejection can occur for the following changes
- Registering a new Company using an existing Business Name.
- Lodging a Form 205a (Company Change of Name) when using an existing Business Name.
- Confirm the ABN entered for the existing Business Name is correct within the ABN Lookup.
- Confirm the following requirements are met depending on who the Business Name holder is:
- Individual: the individual must be a Director and/or Shareholder of the Company
- Company (applicant): No additional requirements
Company (not the applicant): the Company holding the Business Name must be a Shareholder of the Company.
Note: Only having the same Officeholders/Shareholders as the applicant does not meet this requirement. - Trust: All trustees must be a Director and/or Member of the company, and a copy of the trust deed must be emailed to ASIC at
- Partnership: All partners must be a Director and/or Member of the company
- Ensure the existing Business Name holder's name within the form matches ASIC's record, by reviewing the ABN Lookup. Take notes of the inclusion/exclusion of middle names. If ASIC's record holds the incorrect name, ASIC should be contacted to have the details corrected.
- Once the above has been checked/updated, ensure the form has the option for manual processing selected (this should always be selected when completing either a Company Registration or a Form 205a that involves an existing business name), and include text advising of the connection. For example:
- "The proposed Company name is an existing Business Name. . The owner of the business name, [Insert name of person/company] [insert ABN], is a [director/shareholder] of the Company" (or " the applicant Company" where applicable for a Form 205a).
Note: In the case of a trust, confirmation that the deed has been emailed to should also be included.
- "The proposed Company name is an existing Business Name. . The owner of the business name, [Insert name of person/company] [insert ABN], is a [director/shareholder] of the Company" (or " the applicant Company" where applicable for a Form 205a).
If the error remains after the above checks/updates have been actioned, the following steps should be taken:
Form 205a
- Navigate to tab New Company Name
- Update "Is the proposed name identical to a registered business name" to No
- Navigate to page Authorisation and Declaration
- Update "I want this application to be processed manually" to Yes
- In the text box, enter in the text as advised above.
Company Registration
- Navigate to tab Company Details
- Update "Is the proposed company name an existing business name" to No
- Navigate to tab Ready to Submit
- Tick the box "I want this application to be processed manually by ASIC"
- In the text box, enter in the text as advised above.