When the electronic lodgement isn’t available, an additional message is shown on the first tab of the form:
List of forms that can be lodged electronically:
- Form 201 (Application for registration as an Australian company)
- Form 205A (Company name change)
- Form 410B (Reserve a new name for this company)
- Form 410F (Extend company name reservation)
- Form 484A1 (Address Change)
- Form 484A2 (Officer / Shareholder Name Change)
- Form 484B1 (Cessation of Officeholder)
- Form 484B2 (Appointment of Officeholder)
- Form 484B12 (Appointment and Resignation of Officers)
- Form 370 (Notification of Resignation)
- Form 362 (Cease a Registered Agent)
- Form 361 (Agent ceasing to act for a company)
- Form 484C1 (Share Cancellation)
- Form 484C2 (Share Issue)
- Form 484C3 (Transfer of Shares)
- Form 484E (Extended Form – Appointment of Officeholder, Cessation of Officeholder, Transfer of Shares, Address Change)
- Form 484A3 (Ultimate Holding Company Change)
- Form 484B3 (Company Status Change)
- Form 6010 (Deregistration)
- Form 492 (Correction form)
- Form 902 (Notification of additional information)
- Form RA71 (Company Statement Request)
- Form RA63 (Company Dept Report Request)
- Form RA65 (Request Documents Lodged Report)
- Form RA67 (Debt Report)
- Form RA61 (Date Report)
List of forms that can be emailed to agent.registration@asic.gov.au:
- Form RA01 (Register, Change Details or Cease as an Agent)
List of forms that can be lodged via paper only:
- Form 280 (Notification of Share Buy-back Details)
- Form 281 (Intention to Carry Out a Share Buy-back)
- Form 2205 (Notification of Resolution Regarding Shares)
- Form 106 (Request to Withdraw a Lodged Document)
- Form 388 (Copy of Financial Statements and Reports)
- Form 404 (Change to Agent of a Foreign Company)
- Form RA04 (Direct Debit Request for Registered Agents)
Forms for paper lodgement should be posted to:
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
PO Box 4000
Gippsland Mail Centre VIC 3841
When a form cannot be lodged electronically but can be prepared on NowInfinity, the option to mark the form as lodged is available under the ‘Lodgement’ tab.
Navigate to Menu > Lodgements. Select the form, click on the three dots function, and ‘Mark as Lodged’.