Cease as agent for multiple companies (form 361)

Steps to cease being an agent for multiple companies:

Create 361 Forms

Navigate to Menu > Companies

Select the companies you would like to remove from your list, and click 'Actions'. 

Then select 'Create 361 forms'.




This option can be used to cease yourself as the agent for multiple companies This will simultaneously generate 361 forms for the selected companies.

If you are only creating a Form 361, without an accompanying Form 484 Change of Address, only the Registered Agent is required to sign.

Once generated, you will be automatically redirected to the Lodgements Page - Menu > Lodgements - where you can choose to send the forms for signing and lodge the forms.  


If the Company is using your address as the Registered address and you wish to change this you can use one of the below options:

  • You can lodge a 484 Change of Address form before lodging the 361 Form, however this would require the Director to sign
  • Send a letter signed by the Agent, to ASIC in the mail, advising that you no longer give permission for the Company to use your address as their Registered Address
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