There are 3 ways of sending Annual Statements to your clients; via Email, Electronic Signing or Download .eml.
Send documents and Signing Status
Via Email
Navigate to Menu > Corporate Messenger > Annual Statements > click on the Company Name. An email is sent from your outgoing email address to your client. The Annual Statement documentation is attached to the email for your client to review and sign.
1. Select which documents from the list you want to send.
2. Select the recipient in the 'Send to' drop-down box.
3. Enter the email address of the recipient under 'Email' field.
4. Add a preferred name under the 'Preferred name' field (optional).
5. Enter a phone number if you wish to set up text message reminders (optional).
6. Refresh Statement Before Sending - Selecting this option will reset any changes or attachments, including custom documents and online edits.
7. You can choose to cc one or more people under 'Copy to' field.
8. To cc the Account Manager assigned to the Company, click the Account Manager icon on the very right of the ‘Copy to’ field. This will prefill the Account Manager’s email.
9. You can also preview the email before it is sent by selecting the "Preview" button.
Note: Select the email option if your client does not wish to use electronic signature or is not familiar with e-technology.
Alternatively, if your client does not have an email address you can always download the documentation and send it to them via post or get them to sign it at your office. Click "Download All" to download the documents.
Via Electronic Signing
Navigate to Menu > Corporate Messenger > Annual Statements > click on the Company Name. Select "Electronic Signing".
1. Select which documents from the list you want to send.
2. Select the recipient in the 'Send to' drop-down box.
3. Enter the email address of the recipient under 'Email' field.
4. Add a preferred name under the 'Preferred name' field (optional).
5. Enter a phone number if you wish to set up text message reminders (optional).
6. Refresh Statement Before Sending - Selecting this option will reset any changes or attachments, including custom documents and online edits.
7. You can choose to cc one or more people under 'Copy to' field.
8. To cc the Account Manager assigned to the Company, click the Account Manager icon on the very right of the ‘Copy to’ field. This will prefill the Account Manager’s email.
9. You can choose to add a message under “Message for recipients” which would be included in the email template under @customtext.
10. You can also preview the email before it is sent by selecting the "Preview" button.
When the documents are sent for signing, each signatory will have a signing status.
Via Download .eml (Outlook)
Navigate to Menu > Corporate Messenger > Annual Statements > click on the Company Name. Click on "Download .eml" to send the Annual Statement documentation via Outlook.
The files are downloaded and automatically uploaded into an email created in your Outlook account.
Attach a file (optional)
When sending the Annual Statement via email or electronic signing, you have the option to attach a file such as your own invoice. You are also given the option to choose which attachments you wish to be sent.
Schedule Reminders
Default settings for reminders are available in Menu > Corporate Messenger > Product Settings > Reminders. The date and type of reminders can be amended on a case by case basis when sending the Annual Statement to your client.
Click on the 'Pen' icon to edit the date and the type of reminders (email, text message, or both).
To remove a reminder, click on the 'Bin' icon.
Select the recipient for the reminder and enter their email address (if it isn't already pre-filled).
You can choose to cc one or more people under the ‘Copy to’ field.
Enter your client’s mobile number if you have selected text message as a reminder type.
Note: Clicking on ‘send’ triggers the reminders except for the download .eml option (Outlook). In this case, reminders are triggered by clicking on download .eml.
Note: Reminders will only go out automatically to your client if you have selected the automatic option in Menu > Corporate Messenger > Product Settings > Reminders.
Further information on setting up reminders can be found via this link.
Send documents and Signing Status
When you have selected how to send the Annual Statement documentation, attached a file (optional) and scheduled the reminders, click 'send'.
- If sent via electronic signing, the signing status will automatically update to 'Signed' when the signing process is completed.
- If sent via email or download eml (outlook) a 'confirm signing' button will appear for you to manually confirm once the documentation has been signed. Upload the signed documents.
After signing is confirmed, the Annual Statement is marked as ‘Paper signed’ and uploaded files are added to the list of documents found in the documentation page.
Preview option
Click on the 'preview button' to preview the email notification sent to your client when sending the Annual Statement documentation.
To edit email templates, go to Menu > Corporate Messenger > Product Settings > Email Templates.
Further information is available on our article on how to customise email templates.