How to filter and search through the list of Trusts

On the Main Menu, you will see Trusts under the Trust Register heading.


When you click on Trusts, it will then list all the Trusts under your account.


The grid above lists all Trusts under your account. This feature has a strong search functionality.

As a starting point, you can sort by status:
Active (default select).


You can also sort by parameter:
- Name if Trust: default sort, sorted alphabetically A-Z.
- Type of Trust: sorted alphabetically A-Z.
- Commencement date: descending order, from newest oldest Trust.
- Account manager: sorted alphabetically A-Z.



There are also tabs that run along the top of the grid. These are another search functionality. These tabs allow you to search by:
- 'All' tab:
where all Trusts available in Trust registry are displayed. Opens by 'default'.
- 'Vesting soon' tab: 
appears when at least one Trust has a vesting date in 2 or less months.
- 'Burning' tab: 
appears in the period of 1 June - 1 July and contains Trusts where 'Trust distribution minutes' document wasn't created in the current financial year. Once the document is created and signed Trust then disappears from the 'Burning tab'.

There is also an option to do a local search through the table. This search is triggered when you input the first letter into the search field.

An advanced search function is also available. This is triggered when you enter three consecutive letters in relation to the word/ name that you are searching for and click the Enter key on your keyboard. This will then display all Trusts under your account (that are displaying the first three letters). This has a deep search functionality and can search for any data in relation to a Trust - ie: Trusts name, Beneficiary name, Vesting date, Appointor name, ACN of Corporate Trustee etc.



‘Pins’ are another way to sort and search Trusts. 

By default, each Trust has the following PINS set by system automatically:

    • Trust status.
    • Trust type.
    • Jurisdiction.


You can add additional PINS by clicking on the ‘PINS’ icon.

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