Sequential Changes error when signing trust documents


Why am I receiving the below error? How do I correct this?


One or more documents were generated prior to the document that you are attempting to mark as signed.

These documents can be located by navigating to Menu > Trust Register > Trusts > Trust Profile > Recent Documents and will have a status of either Draft or Waiting For Signing.

When marking as signed, the oldest document should be completed first.


If finalising an older document is not appropriate for your circumstances, the older document will need to be deleted before the newer document is marked as signed.

Turning off the Sequential Changes Check

It is not recommended to turn this setting off.

If your Company requires this setting to be turned off, a user with administrator privileges can locate the option via Menu > Corporate Messenger > Product Settings > Trust Register > Trusts > Include not-Signed Changes by Default. Unticking this box will turn off the feature.

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