Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) FAQs

Why am I being asked to complete my MFA every time I login to NowInfinity?

NowInfinity has limited the remember me functionality for MFA codes to less than 24hrs to align with security best practices and comply with the ATO Operational Security Framework. NowInfinity connects with ATO systems in delivering our services and must comply with the ATO’s security framework.

Additionally, with the government’s initiative to modernise business registers, the government has created a new Australian Business Registry Service (ABRS) that is overseen by the ATO. The ABRS will encompass the current EDGE and ECR services provided by ASIC. Organisations interacting with ABRS systems will be required to comply with the above Operational Security Framework.

As such you will be required to complete your MFA every time you login to NowInfinity.


How to change the method of Authentication? 

You can change the method of Authentication by logging into NowInfinity and proceeding to your Portal Settings under the main Menu. 


Select Authentication, and click on Change MFA Method. This will log you out of the website, so you can choose a new authentication method. 




What happens when I change my phone number and need to change my MFA method?

You will need to contact your NowInfinity Administrator who will be able to reset this for you via Portal Settings.

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