Change of your Business / Company Name


Our Business / Company Name has changed. What areas of NowInfinity need to be updated?



If you need to update your name with ASIC, do this via the appropriate RA01 (for Business/Individual names), or 205 (for Company Names) first.


Step 1: Navigate to Menu > Corporate Messenger > Product Settings. You will be directed to the ASIC Parameters tab where you can change the Registered Agent Name, and Save:


Step 2: Navigate to Menu > Portal > Portal Settings. You will be directed to the Account Settings tab where you can change the name, and "Save":2021-11-04_10_39_56-Greenshot.png


Step 3: If you have Customised Emails, while within Portal Settings, select Email Settings > Send Mail From Name. Change as required and select "Save Sender Data":



If you have SMS reminders, while in Portal Settings, select Text Messages Sender ID. Change as required and select "Save":


Step 4: Update Email templates. Click here for instructions.

Step 5: Email for the NowInfinity Accounts Team to update your name on invoices.

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