How does NowInfinity determine if a Trust is a Unit Trust or a Discretionary Trust when importing from XPM?
In NowInfinity we will import the trusts from XPM as either a Unit Trust (UT) or Discretionary Trust (DT).
Refer to the below rules for how the trust is determined a Unit Trust or a Discretionary Trust:
- If Trust name contains "family" or "discretionary", it will be considered as a Discretionary Trust
- If Trust name contains "unit", it will be considered as Unit Trust
- If data retrieved from XPM contains Appointor information, it will be considered as Discretionary Trust
- If data retrieved contains Unitholder information, it will be considered as Unit Trust
- In all other cases, it will be considered as Unit Trust
Rule 5 applies for other Trust Types, as long as the XPM Business Structure for the Trust Type is entered into the "labels" section in Portal Settings > XPM.