How to schedule reminders for Annual Statement

Default settings for reminders are available under your Product Settings. However, date and type of reminders can be amended on a case by case basis when sending the annual statement to your client.

Click on the pen icon to edit the date and the type of reminders (email, text message, or both)

To remove a reminder, click on the bin icon.  



Select the recipient for the reminders and enter their email address if not already pre-filled.

By default, the billing contact of the company will be prefilled as the recipient of the reminders, and if the billing contact does not exist, the annual statement recipient will be prefilled as the recipient of the reminders.


You can choose to update the reminder recipient’s details or change the recipient to a different contact by selecting the “Set another billing contact” button. 

Enter your client’s mobile number if you have selected text message as a reminder type.


When you save the changes, the new individual and/or new contact, the billing contact for that company will be updated as well.

If this person is also the billing contact of other entities, you will be presented with a popup listing all the associated entities.


You can select the tick boxes next to entities you wish to update and when ready, select the “Confirm” button to save the changes.

Note: This action is irreversible so careful consideration should be given before selecting the "Confirm" button.

You can choose to cc one or more people under the ‘Copy to’ field.


Clicking on ‘Send’ will update the billing contact of the company with the details saved in the Reminders section and schedules the reminders.


Note: Clicking on the ‘download .eml’ option (Outlook) will schedule reminders to be sent to the billing contact specified.


Payment reminders will be sent automatically to your client only if you have selected the automatic option under your Product settings. If the ASIC debt is $0, remaining scheduled reminders will also be voided automatically.



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