Open the company's full profile. Under 'View' select 'Timeline'.
The timeline includes the list of all changes and events that have occurred in the company’s lifetime. However, only changes made within NowInfinity will automatically be added to the timeline.
Historical changes prepared using other platforms (i.e. MYOB or BGL) can be imported by our onboarding team.
For further information about historical data import please contact
There is also an option to manually add changed to a company using the ‘+’ icon which appears by hovering over the timeline.
The changes are filtered in a chronological order.
- Events automatically created
For each form lodged, an event is created in the Timeline. This event includes:
- The date the changes were made.
- The name of the form lodged.
- A description detailing the change made to the company’s information.
- The documentation.
You have the option to attached further documents to an event created by placing the curser on an event and clicking on the 'attachment' icon.
- Events manually created
You can also add events to the timeline manually.
To add an event, hover over the timeline, and click on the green ‘ + ‘.
Select an event from the drop-down box, enter a date (cannot be a future date), enter a description, upload documents and click ‘Save’.
- Only PDF files can be uploaded to the timeline
- No more than three PDF files can be uploaded at once
- File size must be a maximum of 50MB
Additional documents can be added to the event at a later stage by clicking on the 'attachment' icon.
Events added manually can be deleted by clicking on the 'bin' icon.
Events manually added to the Timeline also appear under the ‘Lodgements’ section of Corporate Messenger and in the Company Profile under ‘Recent Documents’.