Where to find recent documents prepared for a Trust

Open the Trust Full Profile and scroll down to the bottom of the profile.

The 'Recent Document' section on the Trust profile lists the most recent documents created for the Trust. It is helpful to see in list form, the most recent documents created as well as the actual ‘status’ they are in.


The 'Status' can be either draft, waiting for signature or signed.

Where a document is waiting for signature, you can confirm signing and move the document to signed by clicking on the ‘confirm signing’ button.

You will then be directed to a pop-up screen where you can upload the signed document to be saved on the timeline as well as any other related documents should you wish. It will also ask you to disclose the date of signature.


All documents in the 'Recent documents' section are sorted by the date of creation. By default, there are 10 documents displayed per page.

Tip: If you click on the name of the trust it will take you straight through to the web form of the relevant document.

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