What's New May 2023

New Releases

Corporate Messenger

  • We are excited to inform Corporate Messenger customers that we have enhanced the way we report the current ASIC server status. Our aim is to provide more informative and actionable information, while promoting self-service options, providing more control over connections. With this change, you can expect to see:
    • Clearer and more detailed information about the ASIC server status, including the date and time of the last ASIC debt report and any scheduled outages.
    • A new Service Centre accessible from the main menu under the Productivity heading, offering additional resources and support.
  • Please note that you will still see the ASIC Status icon that you are used to, but it will now redirect you to the new Service Centre. This new page provides you with greater visibility and information on your ASIC and NowInfinity connections, enabling you to stay informed and act more quickly.
    For more information, please click here 

Documentation Suite

  • The Pension Commencement and Annual Pension documents have been updated with the following changes:
    • “Reversionary Pensioner” has been updated to “Reversionary Beneficiary”.
    • Terms and Conditions of the Reversionary Pension will only appear in the documentation if selected in the interview form. 
    • Pension minimum tables have been updated. 

Fixes and Enhancements  

  • Rejected validation reports for ASIC forms are now accessible within the ‘New’ or ‘All’ tabs in the Notification Centre. 
  • The service error on the Online Editor feature has been resolved. 

For more information about our latest releases, please click here.  


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