New Releases
Documentation Suite
- To assist you with the correct setup of a Discretionary Trust we have enhanced the interview form and added a checkbox for you to confirm that neither the settlor nor the settlor’s children under 18 are beneficiaries of the Trust. The checkbox has been added to the following interview forms:
o Discretionary Trust
o Discretionary Trust (Capital reserved lineal descendant)
o Discretionary Trust (Fully reserved lineal descendant)
- Share Certificates across the platform have been updated to create a universal template that is aligned with ASIC and reflects the ‘Beneficial ownership status’, the ‘Total Amount Paid’, & the ‘Total Amount Unpaid’. This includes the certificates in the following ASIC forms:
o Form 484-C1
o Form 484-C2
o Form 484-C3/484E
- The SMSF Member Exit documents have been reviewed and updated and additional cautions and information have also been added to aid with the selection of the correct service.
Corporate Messenger
- When actioning bundle changes via the Actions section in Corporate Messenger a new disclaimer has been added for e-signing.
- The collaboration page will now reflect if documents were electronically signed and the date they were signed.
Fixes and Enhancements
- The Investment Strategy interview form has been fixed to again allow the input of a ranged value in the ‘Range (%)’ field
- The Director ID field will be available for an Alternate Director when they are also the Secretary
- Marking an annual statement document as signed on the annual statements page will now also mark the document as signed on the company profile under Recent Documents
- Removed the “how many members should this fund be setup with” from the CGT Transitional Provision Election form
- When adding a trust to the Trust Register, the commencement and vesting dates will be auto-populated for electronically signed deeds.