To simplify the registration process, the Public Company - Limited by Guarantee and Public Company - Limited by Shares, now have separated interview forms
Keep an eye out for our Release Notes in early 2023 for the addition of the Company Constitution for a Public Company - Limited by Guarantee
E-signing functionality has been added for the following documents, should the relevant Jurisdiction allow for electronic signatures:
SMSF Establishment with Special Purpose Corporate Trustee
Companies can now be registered with an Ultimate Holding Company
The Standard Company interview form now also supports ARBN and ABN in addition to ACN for the Ultimate Holding Company
Guidance has been added to the SMSF Trustee Consent/Member Consent interview form in relation to the usage of the form and its notification to ASIC
Training and Webinars now included within the Help menu making it easy to register for upcoming training
Corporate Messenger
A customisable email template has been added to the new Director ID Actions menu to easily email Directors without a Director ID recorded in NowInfinity
As we have now passed the Director ID deadline, the Missed Director ID pin has been replaced with the Urgent to Add – Director ID pin
Fixes and Enhancements
The share registry confirmation screen now shows the correct shareholder’s beneficial status
The minutes for the Form 484B2 now include all middle names of the officeholders