New Releases
Documentation Suite
As part of our ongoing commitment to providing the highest quality legal documents and expanding our legal capabilities to meet the demands of our fast-growing client base, we have made further updates to the following templates/features:
Standard Company
- We have added additional share classes to our Company Constitution, supporting I class to Z class shares (U class not supported).
- Minutes accompanying company set-up documents have been updated to now include Special Resolution of Member and Consent of Variation Rights.
- Additional information relating to Director's Duties have been added to our company set up documents. This is to help provide more information and education to new directors of their legal duties and responsibilities to act as an Australian company director.
SMSF Special Purpose Company and SMSF Establishment with SMSF Corporate Trustee
- Minutes accompanying company set-up documents have been updated to now include Special Resolution of Member and Consent of Variation Rights.
- Additional information relating to Director's Duties have been added to our company set up documents.
Constitutional Upgrade
- Changes to wording to bring it in line with the latest standards.
- We have added support for additional share classes here as well, supporting I class to Z class shares (U class not supported).
- Minutes accompanying constitutional upgrade documents have been updated to now include Special Resolution of Member and/or Consent of Variation Rights (if required).
What this means for you:
Any document that has been ordered prior to the new updates continues to be fully valid. There is no need to have your previous orders reviewed or renewed.
Going forward, you can order the new versions of these legal templates exactly the same way and continue to service your clients with the same efficiency and confidence.
Client Legal Review (Beta)
The following have been added to our suite of documents where additional legal review is available with DGF Morgan and Associates.
- Special Purpose Company
- SMSF Establishment with Special Purpose Corporate Trustee
- Constitutional Upgrade
Please click here for more information on Client Legal Review. Client Legal Review service is currently in Beta - please complete this form with the required fields to participate.
Corporate Messenger
- Form 484 B3 now incorporates a new Constitutional Upgrade template from DGF Morgan & Associates. Accompanying minutes have been updated to now include Special Resolution of Member and Consent of Variation Rights.
- Form 484 C1 also supports additional share classes (I class to Z class shares now supported).
We recently introduced WalkMe as a tool to provide guided tutorials or walkthroughs to help new, as well as existing, users to learn more about the platform and features they use every day. Watch this space to learn more about these guided tutorials as we expand our learning content.
The following walks are now available on the NowInfinity platform:
- Virtual Tour and Orientation - How to navigate the platform
- Portal and Product Settings - Assists in the completion of your Account Settings/Onboarding Checklist.
WalkMe can be accessed from the Help icon (?) located in the top banner.
Please click here for more information on WalkMe.
General Enhancements
- Settings to connect/set up GreatSoft integration has moved to Practice Management under portal settings.
- We have fixed an issue where some users were unable to open the Redemption of Units form.
- The wrong signatory being picked up in the unit certificate for the unit issue has been fixed.
- An issue causing members in the SMSF Change of Trustee form, duplicating on the Members tab has been fixed.
- We have updated our system to better handle issues causing duplicate signatories on Annual Statements with Directors with the same first and last name.