How to create a Pension Document


How  can I create a Pension document?


This article outlines how to use the NowInfinity platform to establish a Pension/Income Stream for a member.

Navigate to Menu > Documents > Create Document > Pensions.



Step 1: Fund Details

Enter in the details of the member's Fund.

Note: It is very important that you have read through and applied the Fund's Deed as it is key in determining what type of pension may be paid from the Fund. 

Fudn details.png


Step 2: Trustee

Enter the details for the Trustee/s of the SMSF. 



Step 3: Member

Enter the details of the Member who will be commencing the Pension.



Step 4: Pension Type

Select the applicable Pension Type and the Condition of Release.

  1. Account Based Pension is a retirement income stream which you can commence only once you've met a condition of release (under Schedule 1 of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 ('SISR')). The most common condition of release is retirement, as defined by 6.01(7) SISR. In an Account Based pension, there are certain legal requirements of a Pension Member e.g. the Pension Member must take a minimum payment each year from their account. 
  2. The Transition to Retirement Income Stream (TRIS) allows people who have reached their preservation age (i.e. the minimum age that a member can access their preserved super benefits without satisfying another condition of release: for those born before 1 July 1960 the preservation age is 55, and for those born on or after 1 July 1960 it is higher) to access his or her superannuation benefits as a non-commutable income stream without the need to retire from employment. The amount paid must meet a specific minimum and also cannot exceed 10% of the account balance on the commencement of a TRIS for the year it starts on, or on 1 July for each subsequent year. For further information, click here

    pension type.png

Step 5 : Pension Details

Enter the Pension details, as applicable.

Pension details.png


Step 6 : Asset Segregation 

If applicable, add assets that are identified as supporting the member's pension account. 



Step 7 : Ancillaries

Select if a Minutes of Meeting or a Resolution is required.

Note: If their is a corporate trustee with a sole Director, only "Resolution" will be available


Step 8 : Presentation and Ready to submit

Select your Presentation option and Complete.


Further Information

Pension Commencement: Ordering checklist

How to establish a "Reversionary Pension"




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