What's New August 2024

New Releases

Corporate Messenger

Managing Transactions

  • Added ‘Reconciliation (Debit)’ and ‘Reconciliation (Credit)’ transactions to enhance the user options to update NowInfinity to match ASIC records after a share change done directly through ASIC, without needing to create detailed historical transactions.

Notification Centre

  • Updated the Notification Centre to improve the display and management of new notifications. The
    notifications will now be displayed across multiple pages that can be customised, which will improve user accessibility over the current single page list.
  • New notifications will be retained for one day for each user unless actively archived, so new items
    requiring attention are not missed.

Super Comply

  • Added an override option during the fund import, allowing users to choose whether to replace an
    existing fund or skip importing based on the ABN or fund name, so that duplicate funds are not
    unintentionally created.

Fixes and Enhancements

  • Trust Documents
    • Corrected the Stamping options for trust deeds to accurately display charges for New South
      Wales and Victorian jurisdictions.
    • Updated the display for NSW to correctly show options for ordering multiple copies with the
      appropriate costs.
  • Updated the Annual Statement HTML and electronic signing email templates to display the current
    ASIC charges for prepayments, ensuring accuracy in communications.
  • Fixed an issue where the Form 484E interview form incorrectly resized when appointing a new director, causing the last two fields to be cut off.
  • Resolved an issue in Managing Transactions where share issue forms lodged in NowInfinity were not reflecting completed transactions for public companies.
  • Fixed an issue where the chairperson field was empty but allowed users to proceed to the next page
    during the redemption of units process in the Trust Register.
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