Super Comply: Excel Fund Loader and generating Deed of Variation

The guidelines outlined below provide steps on how to load Self Managed Super Funds into Super Comply via the Excel Loader and generate a Deed of Variation via Super Comply. 

This approach streamlines the Deed update process for high volumes of Funds. The main benefit being the Fund/Trustee/Member details are pre-populated into the Deed of Variation interview form.


Import Funds to Super Comply

Navigate to Menu > Super Comply > Funds



Select "Actions" > "Import Funds"


Under the Import page select "Download Template" for the Excel Loader import option.



Populate the spreadsheet following the formatting rules > save to your desktop.


Under the Import page select "Upload a File" > choose the completed template saved to your desktop.


After the import has completed all Funds entered within the template should now appear with a profile under Super Comply > Funds.


Generating Deed of Variation

Open the Fund Profile for the relevant Fund



Select "Fund Structure" > "SMSF Deed of Variation"



Confirm details are correct 


Review and select "I agree and proceed" to proceed past the warning


Each tab of the interview form will be pre-populated with the Funds' details.

It is recommended to carefully review the details in each tab for accuracy.


1) The Jurisdiction will need to be manually entered.

2) The Variation Clause from the latest Deed will also need to be manually entered - by entering the clause here, once the order is completed the the clause number will automatically update in the corresponding field within the Fund Profile in Super Comply (refer to article linked at the end of this document).


Once all is in order, select the relevant level of Legal Review and Presentation options (e.g. Hard Copy if required).

On the Ready to Submit tab you may preview the details of the order and select > Complete, once ready to generate the documents.


Soft copies of the documents will be available under Menu > Documents > Completed Documents.2023-08-24_10h42_48.png


Please also refer to the following Help Centre articles regarding Deed of Variation, for further information:

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