How to access and manage the Fund Timeline

Open a Fund Profile:

In the top right-hand corner of the Fund Profile screen you will see the ‘View’ button. When you click on the View button, it will show a drop-down different types of view profiles available.


As a quick summary, the different types of view profiles are as follows:

  • Main view: this is the main profile of the Fund that shows the main information of the Fund, client contact details and Recent Documents.
  • Timeline: this view is a visual timeline of changes made to the Fund via the SuperComply as well as any other documents that have been loaded up to the timeline. ie: the original Fund deed, prior variations, financial statements.

Select Timeline to see all the documentation prepared for a particular Fund. 

You can also export the Timeline to PDF by clicking on the paper sheet icon and selecting 'Export Timeline to PDF'. 


To manually add documents on the timeline, hover the mouse over the vertical line on the timeline and click on the green ‘Add’ icon.


Once you have clicked on the green 'Add' icon, a ‘Create a new event' pop-up appears for you to enter the following information:

  • Event - type of event
  • Date - date of change
  • Description - document description
  • Attach documents - option for adding attachments.

When you click on ‘Event’ a drop-down box will appear. For a Unit Trust, it will list the following list of events:

  • Change of Trustee
  • Change of Member
  • Fund Change
  • Other Document


Attach documents:

To complete information about a new event, you can also upload documents by clicking on the ‘Clip’ icon and select file(s) to upload. Only PDF files can be uploaded.


  1. Only PDF files can be uploaded to the timeline
  2. No more than three PDF files can be uploaded at once
  3. File size must be a maximum of 50MB

Once the event has been saved, it will appear on the timeline according to the date selected. It will also appear under ‘Recent Documents’ in the main Fund register profile. 

It will also be displayed in on the ‘Fund Documentation’ page under the ‘Supercomply Document’ The date the event was created will be shown under the ‘Last Modified’ column. It will also have a trace number.



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