Company Registration - Consent Forms


What is the purpose of the pre-registration consent forms?


The purpose of the pre-registration consent forms is to meet the legal requirements to:

  • Upon the applicant to ensure that written consent is obtained from the people that will fill the below roles (the completed/signed consent forms demonstrates the individual's consent to act in the relevant role upon the Company's registration):
    • Director; 
    • Secretary;
    • Public Officer;
    • Member/s.
  • Obtain the occupier's written consent to the Company's use of the premises as its registered address, if the Company will not occupy the premises at the address of its registered address.

The relevant templates can be downloaded from the first tab of the Company Registration interview form, or from Company Pre-Registration Consent Templates. For more information on this see: How To Register a Standard Company


Consent Forms

The following templates are available: 

Completed consent forms do not need to be lodged to ASIC. They must be kept by you in the Company's records. 

Note: You do not need to use NowInfinity's consent form templates. You can continue to use your firm's own consent forms (or other method to obtain the necessary written consents), assuming that you have reviewed your obligations under the Corporations Act and it meets the relevant legal requirements. 


Further Information

For more information, you may refer to the ASIC website and the Corporations Act

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