Client Legal Review FAQs

What is Client Legal Review?

What documents will have access to Client Legal Review during Beta?

How to order a Client Legal Review?

What are the Client Legal Review service options?

How are payments taken? 

What happens once I've ordered a Legal Review?

How do I liaise with the lawyer completing the Legal Review?

What does each status mean?

What happens if the lawyer deems the Legal Review service selected is not sufficient or not appropriate?

What happens if I have ordered printing?

How do I agree/approve the Cost Agreement and Client Legal Review Letter?

Who is the Legal Service Provider?

What are the terms and conditions of the legal service provider?

Important Disclaimers


Client Legal Review is in a closed beta. We plan to roll out Client Legal Review broadly in the coming months. To express your interest in the service, click here and a member of our customer service team will be in touch. 

Note: It is important to ensure a payment method is saved under Menu > Portal > Portal Settings. If no payment method is recorded the Client Legal Review may be cancelled after 7 days.

What is Client Legal Review?

NowInfinity offers legal review as an optional add-on service. By having a solicitor review your document, it provides you and your clients with an extra layer of legal protection and peace of mind when provisioning documents from the platform. We recommend that you add on legal review to your order if you are not 100% confident or certain of your input or the document's purpose, or you are not seeking your own solicitor for their review. 

What documents will have access to Client Legal Review during Beta?

Client Legal Review can be added onto the following document orders. Further documents will be added as the service becomes more widely available. 

  • Discretionary Trust
  • Discretionary Trust (Capital Reserved Lineal Descendant)
  • Discretionary Trust (Fully Reserved Lineal Descendant)
  • Deed of Variation (Exclude Foreign Beneficiaries)
  • Fixed Unit Trust
  • NSW Land Tax Unit Trust
  • SMSF Special Purpose
  • SMSF Establishment with Special Purpose Corporate Trustee
  • SMSF Establishment
  • SMSF Deed of Variation
  • Constitutional Upgrade

The following documents only have the Scoped and Comprehensive legal review options (i.e. Data Confirmation is not available for the following):

  • Change of Trustee of Discretionary Trust
  • Discretionary Trust (Capital Reserved Lineal Descendant)
  • Vesting of a Discretionary Trust
  • Vesting of a Unit Trust
  • Change of Appointor
  • Constitutional Upgrade
  • Trust Distribution Minutes
  • Division 7A Loan
  • SMSF Winding Up

Note: For any documents not mentioned above, contact us via email at 

How to order a Client Legal Review?

When preparing an interview form, for any of the above-listed documents, select the appropriate Legal Review service level from the "Legal Review" page:



What are the Client Legal Review service options?

Further information in relation to the below services is also available here.



Data Confirmation

Scope Review

Comprehensive Review

Cost N/A $137.50 GST inclusive $324.50 GST inclusive $660.00 GST inclusive

The above costs are in addition to the cost of the document.


If you are 100% comfortable with the document produced from the Legal Template and do not want any level of legal review, or if you will be obtaining legal review independently from your solicitor. 

If you would like the data that you've enter into the document form to be reviewed by our legal services provider. This will highlight any obvious mistakes in the data inputted.

This service is not available for certain documents (see above). 

If you would like the document produced to be reviewed in light of particular concern(s) identified by you.  If the entire situation of your client needs to be considered.
Processing times (business days)  - 1-2 2-3 3-5

The above timeframes are dependent on complexity/ scope,

and circumstantial factors such as current workload.

Example 1 - Establishment of a Discretionary Trust to pick up issues with the Settlor being a Beneficiary, apparent from the information entered.  Amendment to how Beneficiaries are defined in the Discretionary Trust before the trust deed is signed. Change of Trustee where one of the necessary parties to the documents is deceased or deregistered and legal advice is necessary or recommended.
Example 2 -   An SMSF Deed of Variation that requires amendments to the NowInfinity documents to provide for a third party to consent to the amendments (i.e. not the Trustee or Member) as required by the latest Governing Rules of the Fund. An SMSF Deed of Variation where there are numerous prior Deeds of Variation that have been uploaded by you.

Time lawyer will spend on review

-   Maximum of 30 minutes Maximum of 60 minutes

SLA (business days)

- 1-2 2-3 3-5


How are payments taken? 

Once you have completed the interview form, you will be directed to the payment page. You will need to enter in your payment details for pre-authorisation purposes. This means the amount will not be charged to your card but will be placed on hold. Once Legal Review has been approved/complete, the funds will be deducted.

Note: Pre-authorisation usually has an expiry of 15 business days (21 calendar days). Therefore, if the Legal Review processing time exceeds this the held funds would be released and so, once the Legal Review has been approved, you will be asked to re-enter the details for payment prior to being able to access the documents. 


What happens once I've ordered a Legal Review?

Once you have entered the payment details, you will be routed to the Collaboration page, where you can access the documents (pre-legal review), and view the status of the Legal Review request:



  • You enter data into the document form. Once the form is complete, the NowInfinity platform will generate a document reflecting the data that you've inputted
  • No legal review, discussion or advice is provided to you

Data Confirmation

  • Once you have entered data into the document form, the relevant document will be generated reflecting that data
  • The legal services provider will advise whether they will proceed at this tier, or it may be that Data Confirmation is not appropriate due to the circumstances or scope of works involved (in which case you will be notified directly)
  • The legal services provider reviews the data that you have entered into the document form to determine if, on the face of the generated document and on the basis of that data alone, any legal issues are likely to arise. This review does not confirm the accuracy of the information entered (e.g. no check is made as to the accuracy of corporate details, names, addresses or the like), but does include identification of legal issues that are apparent from the information entered (e.g. if the Settlor of a Trust is also a named Beneficiary)
  • A legal scope statement is issued confirming the scope of review provided by the legal services provider
  • No other legal review, discussion or advice is provided

Scope Review

  • Once you have entered data into the document form, the relevant document will be generated reflecting that data
  • You may submit any specific queries that you may have regarding, or any documents relating to, the generated document to be considered by the legal services provider. However, see the below recommended uses for this level of review
  • For establishment documents, you may submit a specific query to customise the generated documents or a specific query relating to the generated documents; Or,
  • For other NowInfinity services e.g. Change of Trustee or a Deed of Variation, the legal services provider will review the latest document governing the entity (e.g. the latest Governing Rules, Trust Deed or Constitution) to ensure the correct clause number and the correct parties have been entered to effect the change of parties to the generated documents and comply with the relevant provision of the Trust Deed. This review will assume you have entered the details of the parties accurately and that all prior related documents (which the legal service provider will not review) were of legal effect
  • The legal services provider will determine whether your queries can be responded to in a scoped review or whether a comprehensive review (or bespoke review) is required. If a comprehensive review or bespoke review is required, you will be notified and the scoped review request will be cancelled. You will not be charged for the scoped review. The legal services provider will issue its updated costs estimate separately for your acceptance prior to proceeding
  • The legal services provider will spend a maximum of 30 minutes conducting the scoped review, which will include a data confirmation (as described below), a response to your queries, and if necessary, any minor amendments to the generated document
  • A legal scope statement is issued confirming the scope of review provided by the legal services provider
  • No legal review, discussion or advice is provided in relation to any issues other than as raised by you in the specific queries submitted.

Comprehensive Review

  • Once you have entered data into the document form, the relevant document will be generated reflecting that data
  • You may submit any specific queries that you may have regarding, or any documents relating to, the generated document to be considered by the legal services provider. If at this stage the legal services provider determines that a bespoke review is required instead (which will be quoted for separately), the comprehensive review will be cancelled and you will not be charged for the comprehensive review. The legal services provider will issue its updated costs estimate separately
  • This will include, if you wish, a telephone conversation or a technology enabled meeting of up to 30 minutes with the legal services provider, designed to explore your queries and your client’s particular circumstances. If, after this meeting, the legal services provider determines that a bespoke review is required, the comprehensive review will cease and you will only be charged 50% of the fee for the comprehensive review
  • The legal services provider will spend a maximum of 60 minutes conducting the comprehensive review, which includes any time spent on the technology enabled meeting referred to above, a data confirmation (as described below), a response to your queries and any other issues identified by the legal services provider, and if necessary any minor amendments to the generated document
  • A legal scope statement is issued confirming the scope of review provided by the legal services provider


How do I liaise with the lawyer completing the Legal Review?

If the lawyer requires further information, you will receive an email from the lawyer directly. Simply reply to the email to correspond with the lawyer to provide any additional information or documents.


What does each status mean?

Status Meaning
Pending The Legal Review order has been received and is being processed.
Information requested

The Legal Services Provider requires more information and has sent an email to you requesting this.

To upload additional information required, use the "Upload a File" button available in the "Legal Review Files" section of the collaboration page:

Correction Requested

A correction to the document is required for the review to be completed. An email will have been sent to you from the Legal Services Provider with further information.

Use the "Amend the document" button to open the form and make required amendments specified by the lawyer:

Pending Final Review

The status will change to this once you have made the required changes as per a "Correction requested" status. Or, have uploaded required documentation as per an "Information requested" status.

Approved The Legal Review Process is complete and approved.
Cancelled The Legal Review Process has been cancelled by the Legal Services Provider. An email will have been sent to you from the Legal Services Provider with further information.


What happens if the lawyer deems the Legal Review service selected is not sufficient or not appropriate?

If the selected service level selected is not the right one, you will be notified and the review request will be cancelled by the lawyer - you will not be charged for that review. If you would like to re-request legal review with the appropriate legal review simply Amend the Order to re-request for another legal review service.


What happens if I have ordered printing?

If printing has been ordered for the document, the Printing Team will not receive the order until the Legal Services Provider approves the Legal Review. You will see a message on the Collaboration page, advising "The Hard Copy cannot be sent for printing until the Legal team has approved":


How do I agree/approve the Cost Agreement and Client Legal Review Letter?

The Cost Agreement and Client Legal Review Letter must be reviewed and accepted by the user in order to proceed with the Legal Review request.

Click into the links provided on the "Legal Review" tab (as seen below) to review and download a copy of the Agreement and Letter. Once you are satisfied, you can confirm your acceptance of the Agreement by ticking the acceptance box: 





Who is the legal service provider?

NowInfinity has engaged DGF Morgan & Associates to provide client legal review services.

DGF Morgan & Associates is a trusted commercial law firm based in Sydney. Since 1994, their team has provided legal services in areas including equity & trusts, superannuation law, corporate and commercial law, property law, wills & estates and taxation. The firm’s clients include private companies, public companies, SMEs, individuals, not-for-profit entities, and industry bodies. DGF Morgan & Associates also has extensive experience in drafting legal template documents.


What are the terms and conditions of the legal service provider?

The Client Legal Review terms and conditions can be found here.


Important Disclaimers

  • The three categories of legal review as set out in the Client Legal Review fact sheet above will be provided by the third party legal service provider, most likely DGF Morgan & Associates Pty Ltd ACN 164 257 363 and your receipt of such Client Legal Review legal advice is subject to its terms and conditions. 

  • NowInfinity is not a legal, accounting or tax adviser. We are not the author of, and have no editorial control over, any Legal Templates or any information contained in any Legal Templates. The Templates have not been prepared with regard to any of your or your Client’s particular circumstances.  You must satisfy yourself as to the content and appropriateness of any Templates for your purposes and that of your Clients, and we make no warranty as to the form, content or appropriateness of any Templates for you or your Clients. You and your Clients should obtain your own advice and rely on such advice when using any Templates.

  • NowInfinity offers a referral service mechanism (Client Legal Review service) by which you may seek and obtain legal advice from a third party legal services provider in relation to the Services, including any Legal Templates, by way of the provision of a third party legal review as described above. Most third party legal advice sought via this mechanism will be provided by DGF Morgan & Associates Pty Ltd ACN 164 257 363 and subject to its terms and conditions available here. Where legal advice is to be provided by any other third party legal service provider, that legal service provider’s terms and conditions will apply and that legal service provider will be responsible for providing you with a copy of their T&Cs at the time of your engagement with them. If you use the Client Legal Review service, to obtain legal advice from a third party legal services provider, NowInfinity may charge and retain a margin on those services provided by that third party. However, you acknowledge and agree that NowInfinity is not legally responsible nor liable whatsoever for the provision of, or the content or appropriateness of, any legal advice made available via this Client Legal Review service referral mechanism that you receive from any third party legal services provider for use by you or your Clients. For further information, refer to NowInfinity's T&Cs.

  • You acknowledge and agree that the Services and Materials referred to here, do not contain or constitute personal or general advice for the purpose of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and that NowInfinity, our employees and advisers do not offer any legal, accounting, tax or other professional advice or services in connection with the provision of the Services and Materials.
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