Connecting to MYOB Practice Management


How do I connect to MYOB Practice Management? (Formerly GreatSoft)


  1. Navigate to Menu > Portal > Portal Settings > Practice Management.
  2. Obtain your API Base URL and Office code. This can found on your MYOB Practice Management Dashboard. 
  3. Enter both the API Base URL and Office code into the corresponding fields within NowInfinity
  4. Select "Connect to MYOB Practice Management"
    Note: You will be redirected to the MYOB Practice Management site. If you are not already logged into MYOB Practice Management you will be prompted to log in.
  5. From within MYOB Practice Management, you will be prompted to grant permission for NowInfinity to access your MYOB Practice Management data. Select "Allow Access"
    Note: You will be redirected back to NowInfinity once permission is granted. NowInfinity should appear as the following:


  • To import all companies and individuals from MYOB Practice Management immediately, select "Sync Data". Once imported, the data can be used within the pre-filling of interview forms via the integration button.
  • Auto-syncing nightly can be enabled by selecting "Sync and compare entities overnight". Disabling this will require manually selecting "Sync Data" when need.
  • If required, API Base URL or Office code can be updated by entering the new details and selecting "Update MYOB Practice Management".
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