Why do the Business Name Registration documents have the status “Waiting for ASIC response”?


Why do the Business Name Registration documents have the status “Waiting for ASIC response”?


Firstly, ASIC can only send NowInfinity one status update (waiting for ASIC response, on-hold, lodged, registered or rejected) regarding a Business Name Registration document. This is a process determined by ASIC and is not able to be changed. 

If the last status was “Waiting for ASIC response”, this status will remain on NowInfinity unless manually changed by our Support team.

If the business name is successfully registered, ASIC will send a notification email to the email address provided on the form of the Business Name Registration. 

If you would like our team to update the status in NowInfinity, confirmation will be required that the business name was registered as a result of the lodgement via NowInfinity. 

Email info@nowinfinity.com.au to request the status be updated. 

Further information

Registering a Business Name via the portal

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