How to add newly created Trust to the Trust Register

For any Trusts that you create via the document platform, you will be prompted to add the Trust to the Trust register from the Collaboration page.

Click on the 'Completed Documents' in the Main Menu.


Click the 'Add' button in the 'Add to Trust Register' integrations option to add the Trust to the Trust Register. 


Alternatively the Trust can be created directly via the Trust Register from the 'Main Menu' or 'Actions'. 



Once the Trust has been created, all details of the Trust will be displayed in the Trust's profile.

To access a specific Trust, search for it under ‘Trusts’ on the Main Menu.


A coloured bar appears on the top of the Trust Profile (see below). This is referred to as the ‘Trust Ready Reckoner’. 100% completion means all information has to be completed for a specific Trust and you will be able to complete any of the documents available on the Trust Register. If the ‘Trust Ready Reckoner’ is less than 100%, specific data which requires completion will be highlighted.

You can then proceed to create any of the documentation in relation to the Trust. The documents are contained under relevant headings which run along the top of the Trust profile screen.


Documents Available for a Unit Trust

The documents available in relation to a Unit Trust are:

  • Change of Name
  • Remove, Appoint or change a Trustee(s)
  • Unit Holders:
    • Issue of Units
    • Transfer of Units
    • Subdivision of Units
    • Consolidation of Units
    • Subdivision of Units
  • Deed of Vesting

Documents Available for a Discretionary Trust

The documents available in relation to a discretionary trust are:

  • Change of Name
  • Change of Trustee
  • Change of Appointor
  • Trust Distribution and Minutes
  • Trust Elections:
    • Make an Election
    • Vary an Election
    • Revoke an Election
  • Deed of Variation – Exclude Foreign Beneficiaries
  • Deed of Vesting

Based on the level of data that has been completed in the Trust profile, the data will be pre-populated directly into webforms specific to the above-mentioned documents.

Follow the ‘Only enter the information once’ principle.

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