Since ASIC do not store information about the shareholders of a public company, lodging a Form 484 to change the address is not necessary.
To update the address in Corporate Messenger, follow the steps below:
Step 1 : Navigate to Menu > Corporate Messenger > Companies
Step 2 : See full profile of the relevant company
Step 3 : Change the "View" to "Shares"
Step 4 : Once you are in the shares page, go to the Allotments table and search for the shareholder that will need to have an address change
Step 5 : Then click on the three dots and choose EDIT
Step 5 : After choosing EDIT, you will get another page that will allow you to edit the address. Once done updating the address, click on the ADD button.
Please note: Corporate shareholders will need to be deleted and entered into the Allotments table again with the correct information.
Step 6 : Once All changes are completed, click on SAVE CHANGES at the bottom of the allotments page