Does a new Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) deed need to be stamped?


Does a new Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) deed need to be stamped?



Currently, only Northern Territory SMSF Deeds are dutiable on establishment for an amount of $20 (plus $5 for each duplicate copy, if multiple stamped copies are required). 

NowInfinity does not currently provide this service. 

It is to our understanding that the relevant NT government body (Department of Treasury and Finance) does not offer an electronic stamping service. This means that Deeds must be physically sent to the Department to be manually assessed and stamped - this process takes approximately 5 business days and, after payment is received, the Deed is stamped and returned. Payment may be made via EFT (preferred), cheque or money order (i.e. payment cannot be made via credit card). 




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