Note: This article is only applicable to Discretionary Trusts established between 18 February 2021 and 3 March 2021 which included incorrect wording in Clause 8.1.
If the Deed hasn't been signed or has been signed but not stamped or used for legal purposes, the Deed can be recreated for signing by the Trustee/s.
If you are subscribed to one of our monthly NowInfinity packages, you can follow the steps below to recreate the effected deed(s).
Step 1. Go to Menu > Completed Documents
Step 2. Open the collaboration page of the effected Trust deed(s) and click the blue "Amend Document" button underneath the list of documents to the left of the page.
Step 3. Once the interview form is open, go to the last page of the form without changing any of the current information and click the "Complete" button.
Step 4. After clicking the "Complete" button, you will be redirected back to the collaboration page where you can access the newly updated versions of the documents.
Open the documents to confirm the changes have been applied.
Clause 8 - 8.1 should now show as below: