Consideration Paid amount in Unit Transfer documents


I have changed the Consideration Paid amount for units in a Unit Transfer, why is the original Amount Paid still reflected in the Unit Certificate and Trust Profile? 


The Consideration Paid is the amount the new Unitholder will pay in exchange for the units. While the Amount Paid, is the original value of the units when they were originally issued.

The preparation of a Transfer of Units form is only used to transfer the ownership of the units, and cannot change the Unit value or price.

Note: The value of the units can however be manually corrected within the Trust Profile within the Trust Register.

Consideration Paid

You have the ability to change the Consideration Paid in the Unit Transfer form.

Within the Unit Transfer form, the "Consideration Paid" value will pre-fill, depending on the "Number" value entered. The information is pre-filled as per the Amount Paid recorded in the allotments table with the Trust Profile.

The Consideration Paid amount is editable, you can change this to a higher or lower amount. You are also able to add more than 2 decimals, however these will be rounded to 2 decimals once the documents are generated.




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