Why is the Form 362 rejecting due to an Officer Name error?


The Form 362 for a Company is rejecting due to an officer name error, how can we remedy this to lodge it? 


ASIC have very strict name format requirements for Officers within the Form 362.

ASIC requires the name to:

  • Match the exact spelling of the Officer name on file.
  • Match the number of Officer names on file.
    • For example, if a client is registered with ASIC as one first name, one middle name and one last name, and the Form 362 is completed with only the first name and last name, the form may be rejected.
  • Match the formatting of the Officer name on file.
    • For example, if the client has one first name, two middle names and one last name, and the Form 362 is completed with the same names but inputted as two last names, the form may be rejected.

For further information regarding the ASIC requirements for Company Name formatting, click here.

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