Removal of E-Signature Functionality for ASIC Form 362


The e-signature functionality is no longer available for ASIC Form 362.


In the November 2020 ASIC Infocus newsletter ASIC clarified their compliance position on the signing requirements for Form 362 - Notification by a company to nominate or cease a registered agent or contact address. In summary:

  • Form 362 must be wet-signed, rather than electronically signed
  • A hard copy of the wet-signed Form 362 must be held on file by the ASIC Agent for a minimum of 7 years.

Note: The ability to electronically lodge the form 362 does not remove the above requirements.

Due to this, NowInfinity has removed the e-signing functionality for the Form 362.



The most current information can be located within ASIC's published Electronic Lodgement Protocol.

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